Timeless Treasure Bouquet

Item # SGF72-9A
Timeless Treasure Bouquet
Timeless Treasure Bouquet
Timeless Treasure Bouquet
Timeless Treasure Bouquet

Product Details

Brighten their day with Teleflora's Timeless Treasure Bouquet, showcasing radiant red and cream blooms presented in a sleek geometric ceramic planter atop a retro-inspired wooden base. It's an inspiring blend of elegance and nostalgia.


Experience refined beauty with a bouquet of cream roses, white alstroemeria, red leucadendron, peach carnations, and burgundy chrysanthemums. Accented by white sinuata statice, grevillea, and variegated pittosporum, this elegant arrangement is presented in Teleflora's Mid Mod Planter, epitomizing sophistication and style.
  • Orientation: All-Around

Available exclusively from Teleflora, this glazed ceramic pot with semi-gloss finish and wooden stand will be the perfect home or office décor piece for years to come.

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