Majestic Meadow Bouquet

Item # SGF24T200A
Majestic Meadow Bouquet
Majestic Meadow Bouquet
Majestic Meadow Bouquet
Majestic Meadow Bouquet

Product Details

Embrace the charm of autumn's majestic meadow with this heartfelt rose bouquet, presented in a stunning stoneware pitcher with a captivating reactive glaze. This versatile piece is not only a beautiful centerpiece but also food-safe, making it ideal for decorating your table on Thanksgiving or any memorable occasion.


Teleflora's Majestic Meadow Bouquet features vibrant orange roses, spray roses, miniature maroon carnations, rustic brown button spray chrysanthemums, and bronze daisy spray chrysanthemums, accented with parvifolia eucalyptus and grevillea. Presented in Teleflora's Majestic Meadow Pitcher, capturing autumn's rich hues and natural beauty.
  • Orientation: All-Around

This stunning artisanal pitcher has a reactive glaze that makes each piece unique. Meets FDA tableware standard to safely serve and store beverages.

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