Lavender Bliss Bouquet

Item # SGF24M105A
Lavender Bliss Bouquet
Lavender Bliss Bouquet
Lavender Bliss Bouquet
Lavender Bliss Bouquet

Product Details

Elevate Mother's Day with Teleflora's Lavender Bliss Bouquet, featuring a stunning lavender mercury-inspired glass vase and a lush bouquet of lavender roses, pink spray roses, purple carnations, and other delightful blooms for a simply glamorous and timeless gift. Crafted with care, Teleflora's Lavender Bliss Bouquet features lavender roses, pink spray roses, purple carnations, miniature pink carnations, white snapdragons, cushion spray chrysanthemums in white, pink sinuata statice, lemon leaf, and pitta negra, beautifully presented in Teleflora's Sparkling Delight vase.

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