Carousel Flowers, Your Local Carol Stream Florist

Featured Floral Arrangements

Flower delivery in Carol Stream

We're a real brick and mortar florist located 10 miles from the center of Carol Stream.

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Carousel Flowers
527 S York St
Elmhurst, IL 60126
Leave a Review
Sarah KoehlerSarah Koehler
last month
I wanted to do something special for my sister - Carousel Flowers did not disappoint!! Shopping locally is important to me, even though I live in Denver. Carousel Flowers website was easy to use, whether you are local or not. Placed my order after hours and awoke to confirmation and note on when to expect delivery - which was done with in the next couple of hours. Thank you Carousel Flowers!
Mike RasmussenMike Rasmussen
2 months ago
I called Carousel Flowers for a same-day delivery order this morning. I gave a pretty vague description of what my girlfriend was looking for (wildflowers, lots of pink/purple, no roses) and gave them my price point. They delivered well beyond my expectations. My girlfriend (and all her coworkers) loved the bouquet. I will continue to give this shop my business. Thanks again!
Nicole CNicole C
3 months ago
nancy wilsonnancy wilson
4 months ago
I have worked with Carousel Flowers in Elmhurst for the past three years: 2021-2024. The staff is knowledgeable, talented, and easy to work with. They create beautiful bouquets for a reasonable price. N. Wilson
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